Friday 18 September 2015



           What magazine name do you prefer? (Circle one)
           A.     Chislehurst Weekly
           B.     Chislehurst Times
           C.     Chislehurst Chat

           How much do you think the magazine should cost? (Circle one)
           A.     50p
           B.     60p
           C.     70p

           How often should the school magazine be released? (Circle one)
           A.     Weekly
           B.     Monthly
           C.     Every fortnight
           D.     Every term

           Who should the magazine be targeted towards? (Circle one)
           A.     Lower years (7,8 & 9)
           B.     Upper years (10 & 11)
           C.     Sixth form
           D.     Whole school

           What kind of content do you want to see in the magazine? (Circle one)
           A.     School news (upcoming events and trip information)
           B.     Games and puzzles
           C.     A page per subject for displaying students work and news within the department

                 Which seasonal issues of the magazine would you like to see? (Circle one) 
                A. Christmas
B. Halloween
C. Easter


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