Tuesday 15 September 2015

Mode of Adress

Mode of Address

Mode of address is the way you tailor your text/media to accommodate the needs or expectation of your audience. There are four types of modes of address: first person, third person, formal and informal. Within these categories there are also subcategories, for informal address you can either present the media in a colloquial or expletive manner depending on the type of audience you are pitching to. Mode of address is influenced by genre, format of media and your target audience.
Examples of when these modes of address:
Third person – in a magazine interview when referring to the person they are interviewing they may use “he/ she”                                        
First person – this may be used in an editor’s note or in a quote for another person.
Formal –may be used in a newspaper article.
Informal – most magazines are written in an informal tone.       

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